Descriere - Curs pentru limba engleza. Upstream Beginner A1+. Caietul profesorului clasa a V-a
Caietul elevului contine 10 unitati de invatare corespondente celor din manual si are rolul de a ajuta la consolidarea structurilor prezentate in manual, printr-o varietate de exercitii de tipul: dialoguri, alegeri multiple, joc de rol, completarea spatiilor punctate, formularea de intrebari sau raspunsuri, compuneri, asocierea cuvintelor cu imaginile etc. Include o sectiune de gramatica ce contine elemente teoretice, modele de lucru si exercitii practice pentru asimilarea structurilor gramaticale ale limbii engleze: The Verbs To Be and Have Got, The Tenses (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Be going to), Indefinite Article, Countable/ Uncountable Nouns, Comparisons, Prepositions of Place, Questions, Superlatives, Modals (Can, Must, Should) etc. Include o sectiune de citire ce incurajeaza lectura pe diverse teme si teste de recapitulare a elementelor de gramatica asimilate in fiecare unitate. Mai contine cheia exercitiilor imprimata cu rosu.
Upstream series is specially designed for students from absolute beginner to intermediate level. Each book consists of five modules and provides systematic preparation in all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - required at these levels. The Students Book and the Workbook are designed to be covered in approximately 60 to 80 hours of classroom work. The Workbooks for Upstream Beginner to Pre-intermediate contain Vocabulary, Grammar, Communication, Reading, Listening and Writing sections with a variety of motivating tasks and useful exercises, as well as the tapescripts of the listening exercises. The Teachers Books for the Students Books contain step-by-step teaching notes, extra ideas for optional activities and a full key to the exercises in the Students Books. The Test Booklets contain appropriate photocopiable assessment tests as well as a mid-year and exit test allowing teachers to assess students progress throughout the course.
Key Features
- theme-based units from a wide variety of sources
- a variety of cross-cultural and cross-curricular topics
- systematic development of all four language skills through realistic challenging tasks which encourage the learners personal engagement
- lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary including collocations, everyday English, phrasal verbs and word formation
- a variety of authentic stimulating reading and listening tasks
- grammar sections covering all major grammatical areas plus a Grammar Reference Section
- composition analysis and practice on all types of writing with full models
- a wide range of speaking activities
- Culture Clips
- Literature pages
- Interactive Whiteboard Software
- My Language Portfolios (for levels A1-B1+)