Descriere - Curs pentru limba engleza Set Sail 4. Vocabulary and Grammar Practice
Contine elemente teoretice, modele de lucru si exercitii practice pentru asimilarea structurilor gramaticale ale limbii engleze: The Verb "to be”, The verb "have got”, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple – Regular/ Irregular Verbs, Imperative, Be going to, Plurals/ Irregular Plurals, Possessive Adjectives, Must, This/These – That/Those, Question Words, The verb "can”. Se adreseaza elevilor din clasa a IV-a.
The Set Sail! Series focuses on getting young learners to enjoy communicating in English through a wide variety of activities in all four skills. Its pupil-centred approach motivates young learners, thus ensuring a positive experience in the English language classroom. In Set Sail! 3 and 4 pupils are exposed to across-the-curriculum sections which increase their level of engagement and improve their learning as pupils interact with their classmates, teachers, and members of the community while exploring other subject areas.
Key Features
- presentation of vocabulary through colour flashcards and posters
- new language presented through lively dialogues and interesting texts songs, chants and games
- projects and guided authentic writing tasks
- craftwork cut-outs
- a look at life in English-speaking countries
- revision and evaluation at the end of each module
- cross-curricular sections full-colour