Descriere - Curs pentru limba engleza. Reading and Writing Targets 1. Manualul elevului clasa a V-a
Curs de invatare a limbii engleze ilustrat color pentru nivel gimnazial, clasa a V-a. Contine 15 unitati de invatare ce dezvolta cele doua abilitati citire si scriere, prin intermediul unor activitati interactive, o varietate de texte, bazate pe situatii reale de viata. Acestea starnesc si sustin interesul pentru lectura si asigura modele pentru redactarea de compuneri, precum si exercitii lexicale si gramaticale ce familiarizeaza elevii cu elementele de vocabular si gramatica necesare pentru a redacta lucrari scrise. Include indicatii de compunere si planuri de structurare a lucrarilor scrise de tipul articol descriptiv, anunt, reteta, carte postala, povestire, articol argumentativ, recenzie de film, scrisori informale etc. Mai include o sectiune de imagini ce ajuta la recapitularea elementelor de gramatica si vocabular, asimilate intr-o maniera placuta.
Reading and Writing Targets 1 is the first book in a three-level writing series in full colour. Designed for learners at Beginner level, the book provides systematic development of reading and writing skills and can be used to supplement any main course at Beginner level.
Key features
- a variety of texts based on real-life situations which develop reading skills and work as models for the learner's own written work
- lexical and grammar exercises which familiarise learners with all vocabulary and grammatical structures necessary to produce a successful piece of writing
- useful writing tips and paragraph plans to give the learner step-by-step guidance
The Teachers Books provides:
- useful notes to the teacher
- full key to the exercises in the Student's Book
- Students Book
- Teachers Book