Descriere - Curs limba engleza Access 2 Teachers Resource Pack with Tests Elementary (A2)
Material pentru profesori cu exercitii suplimentare pentru aprofundarea tematicilor din Student's Book si activitati pentru dezvoltarea vocabularului si a cunostintelor gramaticale. Pentru fiecare modul din Student's Book, exista cate un test cuprinzator (vocabular, gramatica, reading, writing si listening), cu bareme de corectare. La sfarsitul cartii, se gasesc raspunsurile activitatilor si tapescripturile exercitiilor de listening.
Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours.
Key Features:
- Theme-based units in modules.
- Variety of reading texts.
- Realistic everyday dialogues.
- Writing practice.
- Listening and speaking skills.
- Culture Corner and CLIL sections at the end of each module.
- Self-check sections.
- Songs and games.
- ICT (Information & Communication Technology) research activities.
- Presentations Skills booklet to help learners become effective communicators and competent public speakers.