Descriere - Curs de limba engleza - Practice Tests for the Key English Test 1 Students Book
Conţine 4 teste complete pentru pregătirea examenului Cambridge Key English Test. Include o
introducere asupra secţiunilor examenului şi indicaţii pentru indeplinirea cerinţelor de
examen. Testele au conţinut şi format de examen şi asigură o pregătire şi o consolidare
sistematică şi aprofundată a cunoştinţelor necesare pentru examen. Activităţile sunt menite
să dezvolte abilităţile pentru cele 4 secţiuni ale examenului – Reading & Writing, Listening
şi Speaking. Acest curs combină in mod eficient prezentarea funcţională şi clară a
elementelor de gramatică şi vocabular cu o varietate de exerciţii şi de tematici incluse in
programa de examen. Mai conţine sugestii de răspuns pentru proba orală şi modele de foi de
răspunsuri la examen, fapt ce permite familiarizarea cu foile de răspuns tipizate.
Practice Tests for the KET is a collection of four complete practice tests written in line with the specifications for the revised KET examination (introduction 2004). The tests in this collection reflect the KET Syllabus, both in content and format, and therefore provide thorough, systematic exam preparation and practice.
Key Features
• The four KET tests cover the range of topics, vocabulary and structures included in the KET syllabus.
• The recorded material on the accompanying Audio CDs with instructions, pauses and repeats, provides genuine examination conditions for the Listening Test.
• The illustrations at the back of the book provide excellent visual material for the paired Speaking Test.
• Photocopiable sample answer sheets in both the Student/s and Teacher/s Books provide students with valuable practice in transferring their answers from the exam papers within the time limits of the real exam.
The Teacher's Book contains all the Student's Book material with the answers overprinted, model answers for the Writing Paper, tapescripts of the recorded material, expanded versions of all four Speaking Tests with suggested answers and detailed instructions for conducting the oral part of the exam.
An aparitie: 2003
Format:28 X 21
Numar pagini: 98