Descriere - Curs de limba engleza Our World level 3 Workbook with Audio CD, caietul elevului pentru clasa a II-a (National Geographic Learning)
[Avizat MEN 2018]
Our World is a six-level primary series in American English that uses fun and fascinating National Geographic content, with stunning images and video, to give young learners the essential English language, skills, and knowledge they need to understand their world.
The Our World Workbook provides young learners with exercises and activites that reinforce and consolidate the content of the Stundent`s Book. These activites support listening, speaking, readink, writing, grammar, vocabulary and content development.
The Our World Workbook includes :
- 12 Pages of skills practice, activites and an additional reading text in every unit.
- Unit Review sections
- Practice of English pronunciation and sound-spelling relationships
- An Audio CD for listening comprehension and the Review sections
Table of Contents
Unit 0: Welcome to Our Class.
Unit 1: A Helping Hand
Unit 2: My Place in the World
Unit 3: On the Move!
Units 1-3: Review
Unit 4: Our Senses
Unit 5: Animal Habitats
Unit 6: What's for Dinner?
Units 4-6: Review
Unit 7: Feeling Fit
Unit 8: Let's Celebrate!
Unit 9: My Weekend
Units 7-9: Review
Pages : 126
Year : 2016
ISBN : 978-1-285-45569-3