Descriere - Curs de limba engleza Business English Marketing and Sales. Manualul elevului
Curs pentru engleza de afaceri in domeniile Marketing and Sales. Contine activitati introductive si exercitii de reading, writing, listening si speaking pentru a dezvolta vocabularul si gramatica necesare acestor domenii, dar si un proiec tfinal recapitulativ. Material din categoria ESP (English for Special Purposes) care poate fi folosit pentru clase Multi-Level (elevi cu nivele diferite de cunoastere a limbii engleze).
Business English Marketing and Sales Authentic ESP Materials for Multi-Level Classroom. The first of a series of books for learners of English in the business world that primarily promotes reading and writing skills. Learners learn to read and analyse authentic materials including poems, internet and newspaper articles. They also practise listening to recorded excerpts from actual movie scenes. The structure of the units and subsequent language exercises allows flexibility when there are different levels of learners in the same class who range from high beginners to low intermediate. The text is colourful, interesting and easy to use. Each booklet is accompanied by a teacher s companion with instructions on classroom techniques an audio CD.