Descriere - Cosmarul American - The American Nightmare
Dupa Ai Suru – A iubi, roman scris din dragoste (in Romania la a treia editie), carte fascinanta care face pace cu trecutul si priveste spre viitor, Ioana Nitobe Lee aduce in librarii un nou volum, Cosmarul american, care continua povestea vietii ei. Iubirea a dus-o iarasi pe un tinut necunoscut, plin de surprize, unde se intalnesc inca o data lumi radical diferite; o aventura asumata, ce a lasat rani pe care timpul le vindeca. "Am trecut printr-un al doilea divort, iar astazi recunosc, fericita, ca mi-am gasit jumatatea. Am avut un drum lung de parcurs pana la fericire, dar calatoria a meritat cu varf si indesat. Locuiesc in Washington, alaturi de sotul meu american, pe care il urmez peste tot in lume. Suntem de nedespartit!"- povesteste autoarea.
Following Ai Suru - To Love (with its three Romanian editions), comes a novel she wrote out of love -- an alluring book that comes to terms with her past and looks into the future. Ioana Nitobe Lee is now putting a new title on bookstore shelves, The American Nightmare, which continues the story of her life. Love has again carried her on wayward and unknown realms, where once again completely different worlds collide. It was an adventure she pursued...but one that left her with wounds that are now healing. After a second divorce, she now happily acknowledges that she found her "other half." She had a long road to travel to find happiness, but the journey was worth the struggle. She now lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband with whom she travels across the country and the world.
Nr. de pagini : 334
Anul aparitiei : 2015