Descriere - Consultatii... de suflet!
Volumul cuprinde o colectie de 54 de poezii, 11 texte in proza, 10 desene si 36 de autori din anul intai pana in anii terminali, de la medicina, medicina militara, medicina dentara, farmacie, nutritie, studenti romani, maghiari si studenti internationali. Temele abordate sunt foarte diverse si amintesc de emotiile din anii studentiei. ”Motivatia” devine un ”Dans armonic” in care ”Visul” si ”Suspinul” iti poarta ”Pasii” ”Ingerului meu” spre ”Biblioteca mea de ganduri” pe acordul ”Viorilor inimii”. ”Dreptatea”, ”Gandul bun” si ”Curgerea timpului” ies din ”Crepuscul” in ”Lumina” si te indreapta ”Pe aripa unui inger” spre ”Joia Mare”.
The volume includes a collection of 54 poems, 11 prose texts, 10 drawings and 36 authors from the first year to the final years of medicine, military medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nutrition, Romanian, Hungarian and international students. The topics covered are very diverse and are reminiscent of the emotions of student years. "Motivation" becomes a "Harmonic Dance" in which "Dream" and "Sigh" take your "Steps" of "My Angel" to "My Library of Thoughts" on the accords of "Violins of the Heart". "Justice", "Good Thought" and "The Flow of Time" come out of "Twilight" into the "Light" and direct you "On the wings of an angel" to "Holy Thursday".
An aparitie: 2018