Descriere - Challenges level 2 class CD 1-3
[Avizat MEN 2018]
CEFR equivalenceChallenges 2 covers virtually all lower Waystage specifications (A.2.1) and quite a few higher Waystage descriptors (A.2.2). For a full breakdown of the CEFR descriptors covered in Challenges 2. General theme in this level the theme of challenge is present in such topics as overcoming disability, fighting to achieve ambitions and to survive. In this level the characters participate in an international internet competition: they have to write about their own world and send it to the web site. They perform a song and tell a story; they design and make something useful. Coursebook structure : The level is divided into ten core modules plus a starter spread. The starter spread gets students to use language from Challenges 1, familiarises them with the course and develops their awareness as learners. At the end of the book there is a magazine section (Time Out!) and a picture dictionary which covers the lexical syllabus of the level (see table of contents enclosed).