Descriere - Blockbuster 3 Workbook and Grammar. Caiet pentru clasa a VII-a de limba engleza Blockbuster 3
Consta in 2 componente caietul elevului si caietul cu exercitii de gramatica. Caietul elevului contine 8 module corespondente celor din manual si are rolul de a ajuta la consolidarea structurilor prezentate in manual, printr-o varietate de exercitii de tipul dialoguri, alegeri multiple, joc de rol, completarea spatiilor punctate, formularea de intrebari sau raspunsuri, compuneri, potrivirea cuvintelor cu imaginile etc. Caietul cu exercitii de gramatica contine elemente teoretice, modele de lucru si exercitii practice pentru asimilarea structurilor gramaticale ale limbii engleze: The Tenses (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple/ Be going to), Stative Verbs, Indefinite Article, Plurals, Comparisons, Countable/ Uncountable Nouns, Indirect Speech, The Infinitive, Prepositions, Subject/ Object Personal Pronouns, Possessives, Question Tags, Adjectives/ Adverbs, The Passive, Modal Verbs, Time Clauses, Conditional, The Causative etc. Include teste de recapitulare a elementelor de gramatica asimilate. Se adreseaza atat elevilor, clasa a VII-a, cat si adultilor.
Blockbuster is designed for learners studying English at Beginner to Intermediate level. The series follows the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference and combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.
Key Features
- theme-based units in modules
- a varied range of reading texts from authentic contemporary sources with exercises which encourage learners to read extensively as well as intensively
- realistic stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations
- exploring grammar sections covering grammatical areas appropriate for each level plus a Grammar Reference Section
- a wide range of speaking activities
- pronunciation and intonation sections
- study skills and tips to help learners become autonomous
- cartoon strips, jokes and songs
- culture corner and curricular cuts at the end of each module
- pairwork activities
- self check sections at the end of each module