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Atlas of Human Anatomy with Student Consult Access - Netter, Frank H

Atlas of Human Anatomy with Student Consult Access


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Descriere - Atlas of Human Anatomy with Student Consult Access

beautifully demonstrate the intricacies of the systems within the body, and make learning much easier...I would not hesitate to recommend this text book to any other invaluable tool to aid dissection" (Medical Student Review)

The most widely-used anatomy atlas in the world! Dr. Netter's outstanding artwork demystifies this often intimidating subject, helping students to understand anatomy and how it applies to medicine. Now with a stronger clinical focus than ever before, it captures anatomy the way it is most frequently seen in practice with many more diagnostic imaging examples.
Key Features

* See anatomy from a clinical perspective with hundreds of exquisite, hand-painted illustrations created by, and in the tradition of, pre-eminent medical illustrator Frank H. Netter, MD.

* Join the global community of healthcare professionals who've mastered anatomy the Netter way!

New to this Edition

* Expand your study at, where you'll find a suite of learning aids including selected Netter illustrations, additional clinically-focused illustrations and radiologic images, videos from Netter's 3D Interactive Anatomy, dissection modules, an anatomy dissection guide, multiple-choice review questions, "drag-and-drop" exercises, clinical pearls, clinical cases, survival guides, surgical procedures, and more.

* Correlate anatomy with practice through an increased clinical focus, many new diagnostic imaging examples, and bonus clinical illustrations and guides online.

Table of Contents

Section 1 Head and Neck

Topographic Anatomy 1

Superficial Head and Neck 2 - 3

Bones and Ligaments 4 - 23

Superficial Face 24 - 25

Neck 26 - 34

Nasal Region 35 - 50

Oral Region 51 - 62

Pharynx 63 - 73

Thyroid Gland and Larynx 74 - 80

Orbit and Contents 81 - 91

Ear 92 - 98

Meninges and Brain 99 - 114

Cranial and Cervical Nerves 115 - 134

Cerebral Vasculature 135 - 146

Regional Scans 147 - 148

Section 2 Back and Spinal Cord

Topographic Anatomy 149

Bones and Ligaments 150 - 156

Spinal Cord 157 - 167

Muscles and Nerves 168 - 172

Cross-Sectional Anatomy 173 - 174

Section 3 Thorax

Topographic Anatomy 175

Mammary Gland 176 - 178
Body Wall 179 - 189

Lungs 190 - 204

Heart 205 - 223

Mediastinum 224 - 234

Regional Scans 235

Cross-Sectional Anatomy 236 - 239

Section 4 Abdomen

Topographic Anatomy 240

Body Wall 241 - 260

Peritoneal Cavity 261 - 266

Viscera (Gut) 267 - 276

Viscera (Accessory Organs) 277 - 282

Visceral Vasculature 283 - 296

Innervation 297 - 307

Kidneys and Suprarenal Glands 308 - 322

Cross-Sectional Anatomy 323 - 330

Section 5 Pelvis and Perineum

Topographic Anatomy 331

Bones and Ligaments 332 - 336

Pelvic Floor and Contents 337 - 347

Urinary Bladder 348 - 351

Uterus, Vagina, and Supporting Structures 352 - 355

Perineum and External Genitalia: Female 356 - 359

Perineum and External Genitalia: Male 360 - 367

Homologues of Genitalia 368 - 369

Testis, Epididymis, and Ductus Deferens 370

Rectum 371 - 376

Regional Scans 377

Vasculature 378 - 388

Innervation 389 - 397

Cross-Sectional Anatomy 398 - 399

Section 6 Upper Limb

Topographic Anatomy 400

Cutaneous Anatomy 401 - 405

Shoulder and Axilla 406 - 418

Arm 419 - 423

Elbow and Forearm 424 - 439

Wrist and Hand 440 - 459

Neurovasculature 460 - 467

Regional Scans 468

Section 7 Lower Limb

Topographic Anatomy 469

Cutaneous Anatomy 470 - 473

Hip and Thigh 474 - 493

Knee 494 - 500

Leg 501 - 510

Ankle and Foot 511 - 525

Neurovasculature 526 - 530

Regional Scans 531

Section 8 Cross=Sectional Anatomy

Key Figure for Cross Sections 532

Detalii produs

Nr. pagini: 624

Format: -

Anul aparitiei: 2010

Cartea "Atlas of Human Anatomy with Student Consult Access ". face parte din categoria carti >> Carte straina - Medicine & Nursing a catalogului Cartea este scrisa de catre Netter, Frank H si a fost publicata la Editura MEDICALA CALLISTO Pentru orice solicitare apelati departamentul Suport Clienti, de luni pana vineri in intervalul 9-18. intelege importanta informatiilor prezentate in aceasta pagina si face eforturi permanente pentru a le pastra actualizate. Singura situatie in care informatiile prezentate pot fi diferite fata de cele ale produsului este aceea in care producatorul aduce modificari specificatiilor acestuia, fara a ne informa in prealabil.

Alte carti de la editura MEDICALA CALLISTO

Istoricul CALLISTO dateaza din 1990 cand pentru prima data dupa caderea cortinei de fier, Dr. Gheorghe P. Cuculici pune bazele importului de publicatii medicale in Romania. Incepand cu 1998, CALLISTO isi largeste aria de interes prin infiintarea departamentului editorial iar Casa de Editura si-a concentrat eforturile catre publicarea in traducere in limba romana a unor tratate de referinta pentru practica medicala. Co-editiile publicate alaturi de cele mai prestigioase Case de Editura Medicala ale momentului in lume (Wolters Kluwer Academic Publishing, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Elsevier Science, McGraw-Hill Professional, Springer Verlag, Thieme Verlag, Cambridge University Press, Merck Publications) se afla astazi pe masa de lucru a mii de profesionisti implicati in ingrijirea starii de sanatate, universitati, institutii, biblioteci, spitale. Prin cele peste 1.000 de grupuri editoriale reprezentate in Romania, CALLISTO continua sa construiasca incredere si este cel mai dinamic si reprezentativ importator de publicatii medicale si de stiinta fiind singura companie din Romania care a primit trei ani consecutiv distinctia "EXCELLENCE in MEDICINE" de la ELSEVIER Science. Prin aceeasi dedicatie si profesionalism cu care si-a inceput activitatea cu 25 de ani in urma, CALLISTO se constituie in arhitectul pietei de carte medicala din Romania si se distinge prin spiritul creator si inovator, calitatea serviciilor si publicatiilor oferite.

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