Descriere - Album Romania - Souvenir (limba engleza)
Albumul Romania - Souvenir prezinta 10 motive pentru a vizita Romania. Cu numeroase monumente de arhitectura incluse in lista UNESCO si o lista nesfarsita de frumuseti naturale, Romania este o destinatie din ce in ce mai populara. Multi dintre cei care ajung aici descopera ca este o tara unica si surprinzatoare, care merita vizitata mai mult decat o data.
Some travellers are drawn to Romania by its famous architectural monuments, some of which are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and all of which are testimonies to a long and complex national history. Others come to see the Palace of Parliament, the world's second largest administrative building after the Pentagon. Still others visit Romania to see its natural wonders: the Danube Delta and the Carpathians, with their lofty peaks, gorges, cataracts and caves, and the idyllic foothills that roll down from their slopes, with villages nestling among them, where a simpler way of life still survives and the ancient customs have been preserved