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Carti in categoria Workbooks

Longman, Christina
Tip afisare:
My Little Island 1 Workbook with Songs and Chants Audio CD
Where the adventure begins!There is an exciting place for very young learners to begin their journey of leaning English... My Little Island. Children will love the fun characters and motivating stories and will be inspired to listen, speak, and start reading and writing in English.Throughout each level, special emphasis is given to early childhood skills, Total Physical Response (TPR), and rich vocabulary development.The adventure continues into our ActiveTeach software for use on a computer or ...


PRP: 84,00 Lei  75,60 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
My Little Island 2 Workbook with Songs and Chants Audio CD
Where the adventure begins!There is an exciting place for very young learners to begin their journey of leaning English... My Little Island. Children will love the fun characters and motivating stories and will be inspired to listen, speak, and start reading and writing in English.Throughout each level, special emphasis is given to early childhood skills, Total Physical Response (TPR), and rich vocabulary development.The adventure continues into our ActiveTeach software for use on a computer or ...


PRP: 84,00 Lei  75,60 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
My Little Island 3 Workbook with Songs and Chants Audio CD
Where the adventure begins!There is an exciting place for very young learners to begin their journey of leaning English... My Little Island. Children will love the fun characters and motivating stories and will be inspired to listen, speak, and start reading and writing in English.Throughout each level, special emphasis is given to early childhood skills, Total Physical Response (TPR), and rich vocabulary development.The adventure continues into our ActiveTeach software for use on a computer or ...


PRP: 55,99 Lei  50,39 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare