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Carti in categoria Workbooks

Curs limba engleza. NOCN Exam Preparation and Practice Tests B1 - manual elev
The book is aimed at candidates preparing for the NOCN ESOL International Intermediate examination (CEFR level B1). The Student’s Book contains: a detailed description of the examination preparation tasks for each part of the examination with special emphasis on the writing part five complete practice tests sample answer booklet The Teacher’s Book is overprinted and contains all the material in the Student’s Book as well as answers to all exercises, model answers for the Writin...
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Curs pentru limba engleza. I-Explore 2 - caietul elevului
i Explore is a unique three-level course that promotes Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) at CEFR levels A1-B1. This highly engaging series provides the teenagers of today with the skill set they need to meet the challenges of tomorrow! EXPLORE MORE! Real-life, meaningful communication through authentic texts and videos! DISCOVER MORE! A journey around our diverse, multi-cultural world to appreciate values such as empathy, harmony and inclusivity! LEARN MORE! Effective language lear...
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Curs Limba Engleza 4Minds A1 Workbook and Grammar - Teacher's Book
4Minds is a new multi-level course that turns language learning into an opportunity for learners to explore the world and their potential. Designed for learners of CEFR levels A1–C1/C2, it covers the latest developments and trends in technology, entertainment and social issues while preparing learners for the real world, outside class. Themed units, the central pillar of which is creativity, collaboration, research and mediation Clear focus on cultural contexts, life skills, and values Stu...
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Curs Limba Engleza - English 4 Caietul elevului cu digibook APP
English is an engaging four-level course for learners at CEFR Levels A1–B1. The series offers an effective combination of print and digital resources, allowing teachers who wish to make use of Blended or Flipped learning frameworks to enhance student autonomy and boost the development of real-life skills. Development of 21st century skills (critical thinking, cooperation, collaboration, creativity) Topic-related / text-based , Grammar & Writing videos A thrilling comic strip in episode...
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