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Carti in categoria Workbooks

Cussons, Angela
Tip afisare:
Link Up Upper Intermediate. Workbook
Link Up is a new edition of a successful five-level course in British English that introduces teenagers to relevant themes through the study of English. Age-appropriate materials offers learners a balanced approach to reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary and grammar - and motivate them to use English.Learner and teacher needs are addressed by a comprehensive package which includes Course Book with Audio CDs, Workbook, Teacher\\''s Book, Test Book, Class Audio CDs, and an Assessment ...
PRP: 29,00 Lei  26,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Link Up Pre Intermediate. Workbook
Link Up is a new edition of a successful five-level course in British English that introduces teenagers to relevant themes through the study of English. Age-appropriate materials offers learners a balanced approach to reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary and grammar - and motivate them to use English.Learner and teacher needs are addressed by a comprehensive package which includes Course Book with Audio CDs, Workbook, Teacher\\''s Book, Test Book, Class Audio CDs, and an Assessment ...
PRP: 29,00 Lei  26,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Link Up Intermediate. Workbook
Link Up is a new edition of a successful five-level course in British English that introduces teenagers to relevant themes through the study of English. Age-appropriate materials offers learners a balanced approach to reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary and grammar - and motivate them to use English.Learner and teacher needs are addressed by a comprehensive package which includes Course Book with Audio CDs, Workbook, Teacher\\''s Book, Test Book, Class Audio CDs, and an Assessment ...
PRP: 29,00 Lei  26,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare