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Carti in categoria Workbooks

Heath, Jennifer
Tip afisare:
GoGetter 3. Workbook with Online Homework PIN Code Pack
Understanding that teenagers today live in a fast-moving, dynamic world governed by new technologies,GoGetterprovides learning solutions focused on motivating, inspiring and developing young minds within a positive classroom environment. A step-by-step learning approach is combined with motivating multimedia that includes authentic, BBC videos and interactive activities, and with Assessment for Learning present in all components it means you can be the best you can be – be aGoGetter! ...
PRP: 59,80 Lei  53,82 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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GoGetter 2. Workbook with Online Homework PIN code Pack
Understanding that teenagers today live in a fast-moving, dynamic world governed by new technologies, GoGetter provides learning solutions focused on motivating, inspiring and developing young minds within a positive classroom environment. A step-by-step learning approach is combined with motivating multimedia that includes authentic, BBC videos and interactive activities, and with Assessment for Learning present in all components it means you can be the best you can be – be a GoGetter! ...
PRP: 59,80 Lei  53,82 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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