Carti in categoria Workbooks
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Rise and Shine’s unique five-stage methodology supports learners in understanding exactly how far they have come and where they are heading on their learning journey, signposted by coloured stepping stones:
- Wonder: activities that spark interest, draw on prior knowledge and set out the quest for the unit
- Imagine: imaginative stories and activities that encourage cognitive engagement
- Build: meaningful language input and practice, providing direction and support, with a strong focus...
Rise and Shine’s unique five-stage methodology supports learners in understanding exactly how far they have come and where they are heading on their learning journey, signposted by coloured stepping stones.
- Wonder: activities that spark interest, draw on prior knowledge and set out the quest for the unit
- Imagine: imaginative stories and activities that encourage cognitive engagement
- Build: meaningful language input and practice, providing direction and support, with a strong foc...
Team Together propune contexte autentice de comunicare si este alegerea perfecta pentru dezvoltarea creativitatii, pentru exersarea gandirii critice si deprinderea colaborarii pentru a obtine rezultate. De asemenea, este un suport excelent de pregatire atat pentru examenul PTE Young Learners, cat si pentru Cambridge English Qualifications, incepand cu Young Learners, continuand cu Key si pana la Preliminary.
Conceputa ca o imbinare intre lectiile de vocabular, cele de gramatica, cele dedicate a...
Team Together propune contexte autentice de comunicare si este alegerea perfecta pentru dezvoltarea creativitatii, pentru exersarea gandirii critice si deprinderea colaborarii pentru a obtine rezultate. De asemenea, este un suport excelent de pregatire atat pentru examenul PTE Young Learners, cat si pentru Cambridge English Qualifications, incepand cu Young Learners, continuand cu Key si pana la Preliminary.
Conceputa ca o imbinare intre lectiile de vocabular, cele de gramatica, cele dedicate a...
New English Adventuremotivates children through the entertaining characters from the much-loved animated films of Disney and Pixar and provides hours of exposure and practice with English. Children listen to stories, play classroom games, sing songs, discover links with their studies and the world around them, learn social values while communicating in English.
What's new?
- new characters from children’s favorite latest Disney and Pixar films, including Brave, Cars, Frozen and Tangled...
New English Adventuremotivates children through the entertaining characters from the much-loved animated films of Disney and Pixar and provides hours of exposure and practice with English. Children listen to stories, play classroom games, sing songs, discover links with their studies and the world around them, learn social values while communicating in English.
What's new?
- new characters from children’s favorite latest Disney and Pixar films, including Brave, Cars, Frozen and Tangled...