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Carti in categoria Workbooks

Next Move 4 Workbook & MP3 Audio Pack
While in structure the Workbook mirrors the Students Book, it also provides students with an extensive full-colour reference section covering Grammar, Vocabulary, Speaking and Listening, Pronunciation and Self Assessment. The Workbook can be used either in class, to keep fastfinishers or stronger students busy, or as homework. It is ideal for mixed-ability groups as activities are classified with one, two or three stars according to their level of difficulty. It should be possible for all studen...


PRP: 86,80 Lei  78,12 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Move It! 4 Workbook and MP3 Pack
The first course for teenagers, fully implementing 21st Century Learning & Teaching, prepares students to succeed in the contemporary world.Ideal for mixed-ability classes, the course personalizes the learning process. Rich modern media package saves teachers time and captures students attention. Complete Assessment Package to monitor students learning process. Workbook and MP3 CD Provides students with reinforcement and extra practice of the grammar, vocabulary and skills. Extensive full-co...


PRP: 86,80 Lei  78,12 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare