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Carti in categoria Workbooks

Intelligent Business Intermediate level Workbook with Audio Cd - Pile Louise
Featuring authentic texts from the well-respected Economist magazine, the Intelligent Business course material is informative, up-to-date and highly motivating. Founded on thorough language work and a systematic career skills syllabus. Dilemma and Decision tasks are based on genuine business stories and scenarios. Students are challenged to think critically and use language practically to come to decision, which can then be compared to the opinions of business experts.Thorough writing support is...


PRP: 80,20 Lei  72,18 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Intelligent Business Upper-Intermediate workbook with CD pack - Pile Louise
Learn Business - The topic-based course book provides an accessible introduction to the concepts and language of today's business world. Do Business - The dedicated Skills Book provides skills-based intensive training in executive business skills. Featuring authentic texts from the well-respected Economist magazine, the Intelligent Business course material is informative, up-to-date and highly motivating. Intelligent Business is fully benchmarked alongside the BEC business English exam suite and...


PRP: 99,50 Lei  89,55 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare