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Carti in categoria Workbooks

Gold B1 Preliminary New Edition Exam Maximiser
Gold New EditionGold New Edition follows the same approach as previous editions but has been revised and updated following extensive research with users throughout the world.It helps teachers to deliver stimulating, discussion-rich lessons with focused exam preparation.Each level of the series offers a strong emphasis on communicative practice and the development of natural speaking skills to build student confidence for exams and beyond.Find out more at pagini: 128 pa...


PRP: 76,80 Lei  69,12 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Gold Preliminary Maximiser without Key
Gold Preliminary Exam Maximiser:* Recycles and reviews the Coursebook grammar and vocabulary* Provides exam practice in exam format, with strategies and guidance* Includes one complete Practice Test for timed practice in the run-up to the exam* Contains additional vocabulary-building section* Helps students with common mistakes at Cambridge English: Preliminary