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Carti in categoria Workbooks

Johnston, Olivia
Tip afisare:
Motivate! Level 4. Workbook and Audio CD
A 4-level course for secondary and for schools with fewer contact hours (2-3 per week). It starts at A1 and ends at B1. The course will meet different sales and marketing needs primarily in our CEE markets (incl. Russia and Turkey, Kazakhstan and Ukraine) and will be treated as replacement/alternative to Smash and Tempo. Some markets will be looking to reach out to new segments of secondary, others will be targeting whole new markets that we''re not present in, and finally, just having an altern...


PRP: 33,00 Lei  29,70 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Motivate! Level 3 Workbook and Audio CD
A 4-level course for secondary and for schools with fewer contact hours (2-3 per week). It starts at A1 and ends at B1. The course will meet different sales and marketing needs primarily in our CEE markets (incl. Russia and Turkey, Kazakhstan and Ukraine) and will be treated as replacement/alternative to Smash and Tempo. Some markets will be looking to reach out to new segments of secondary, others will be targeting whole new markets that we''re not present in, and finally, just having an altern...