Carti in categoria Workbooks
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Understanding that teenagers today live in a fast-moving, dynamic world governed by new technologies,GoGetterprovides learning solutions focused on motivating, inspiring and developing young minds within a positive classroom environment.
A step-by-step learning approach is combined with motivating multimedia that includes authentic, BBC videos and interactive activities, and with Assessment for Learning present in all components it means you can be the best you can be – be aGoGetter!
Workbook includes extra language practice for the material introduced in the Students Book and also provides additional grammar reference, practice exercises and word lists. Each Workbook comes with an audio CD for moreISBN: 1408286130Format: 209 x 296 x 7mm | 302gAnul aparitiei: 01 Mar 2012
Challenges provides Coursebooks that can be completed in one year, giving students a clear sense of progress. Informative and engaging topics that involve teenagers in their learning. Unique features on word building and sentence patterns. Characters that promote positive values and use real spoken language. Activities for building learner strategies for independent learning. Magazine at the back of the Students Book to support mixed ability classes. Strong grammar and skills sections give stude...