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Carti in categoria Workbooks

Oxenden, Clive
Tip afisare:
New English File: Elementary: Workbook with MultiROM Pack : Six-level general English course for adults
Lesson-by-lesson revision and practice for students - the Workbook includes grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation activities for every lesson. The MultiROM includes Practical English video, grammar quizzes, vocabulary bank, and a pronunciation reference.It also gives students access to a free online practice test at www.oxfordenglishtesting.comshow moreNr pagini: 79 pagesFormat: 220 x 280 x 5mm | 235gAnul aparitiei: 18 Mar 2004...
PRP: 85,00 Lei  76,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
English File  Elementary. Workbook with iChecker with key, third edition
Sample materials available from the English File website.Autori: Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson Anul aparitiei: 2012Numar pagini: 95Format: 21x27
New English File Advanced Workbook with MultiROM Pack
Lesson-by-lesson revision and practice for students, plus extra reading and listening for every lesson too.The MultiROM includes Colloquial English video, and grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, dictation, and exam practice exercises. Year: 2010
New English File Pre-Intermediate Workbook with Answer Booklet and MultiROM Pack
Description: The completely new editions of English File 1 and 2, based on the principles that have made English File so popular. Key features: 100% new lessons that work, that are fun, and that get students talking. An expanded Vocabulary Bank. A new Grammar Bank section with rules and exercises. Practical English lessons, a focus on functional language supported by the New English File Study Link Videos. The same unequalled level of teacher support. More photocopiable materials for te...
New English File Elementary Multipack B (Student Book B & Workbook B with CD-ROM)
Description: The completely new edition of English File 1, is based on the principles that have made English File so popular. Key features 100% new lessons that work, that are fun, and that get students talking. An expanded Vocabulary Bank. A new Grammar Bank section with rules and exercises. Practical English lessons, a focus on functional language supported by the New English File Study Link Videos. The same unequalled level of teacher support. More photocopiable materials for teacher...