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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

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Gold Experience B1 plus. Teachers Resource Book, 2nd Edition
Gold Experience 2nd Editionis a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates students to build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school. This unique 8-level exam course for teenagers takes the learners smoothly from beginner up to advanced level. It's the most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens. Exam-focused content is skilfully built into a motivating lesson flow. Teenagers can gradually build the language, exam skills ...
PRP: 122,10 Lei  109,89 LeiAdauga in cos
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Gold B2 First New Edition Teachers Book with Portal access and Teachers Resource Disc Pack
Gold New Edition B2 First provides: - a fast-paced syllabus with comprehensive exam coverage for the B2 First exam - stimulating topics and texts with extensive opportunities for discussion - thorough exam preparation with a strong emphasis on vocabulary learning - extensive writing support, including full reference with sample answers - a unit-by-unit grammar reference section - a full practice test Teachers Book: - Lesson plans with answers, audio scripts and writing task sample ...
PRP: 147,10 Lei  132,39 LeiAdauga in cos
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Way Ahead 3 Teacher CD
The Teachers Book CD contains all of the audio recordings from the Pupils Book.
PRP: 39,00 Lei  35,10 LeiAdauga in cos
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Academy Stars Level 3 Teachers Book Pack
The Teachers Book Pack provides multiple tools to support the teaching of Academy Stars. In the pack is the Teachers Book and access code for the Presentation Kit, Teachers Resource Centre, Test Generator and Pupils Practice Kit with Gradebook.
PRP: 129,00 Lei  116,10 LeiAdauga in cos
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Gateway 2nd edition C1 Teachers Book Premium Pack
The Teachers Book Premium Pack includes the Teachers Book and access to the Teachers Resource Centre, Presentation Kit, Test Generator and all the digital student components. The Teachers Book includes teaching notes, teacher development sections including advice on ideas for developing learning strategies and exam more
PRP: 113,00 Lei  101,70 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Reading and Writing Targets 1. Pachetul profesorului
Curs de invatare a limbii engleze ilustrat color pentru nivel gimnazial, clasa a V-a. Contine 15 unitati de invatare ce dezvolta cele doua abilitati citire si scriere, prin intermediul unor activitati interactive, o varietate de texte, bazate pe situatii reale de viata. Acestea starnesc si sustin interesul pentru lectura si asigura modele pentru redactarea de compuneri, precum si exercitii lexicale si gramaticale ce familiarizeaza elevii cu elementele de vocabular si gramatica necesare pentru a ...
PRP: 55,00 Lei  38,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de gramatica limba engleza Enterprise Grammar 1. Manualul profesorului
Enterprise 1 - 4 Grammar Books contain clear simple explanations, and examples of all grammar structures presented, as well as a variety of stimulating exercises. Each unit ends with a revision section. At the end of each book there are progress tests for students to revise the grammar structures taught. The books can be used as a supplement to the Enterprise series, ar any other course at the same level. Enterprise series is designed for learners of English at secondary level. The coursebooks ...
PRP: 17,00 Lei  11,90 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de Limba Engleza Examen Cambridge FCE for Schools Practice Tests 2. Manualul Profesorului
These books are aimed at learners of the English language at CEFR level B2 preparing for the Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools examination or any other examinations at the same level. Key Features: - 8 complete practice tests. - Wide range of authentic texts drawn from a variety of sources. - Suggested answers for the Speaking and Writing sections of each test. - Audio CDs containing all listening material in test simulation format....
PRP: 67,00 Lei  60,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Pathways to literature. Manualul profesorului
Pathways to Literature provides an exploration of English literary masters timeless works from the 16th to the 20th century. It aims to teach important values and help learners acquire a better understanding of both the English language and the cultural heritage of the Englishspeaking world. The course includes a wide variety of excerpts with carefully planned activities that allow students to approach English Literature with confidence. Extensive analysis on title, characters, themes, setting, ...
PRP: 57,00 Lei  39,90 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza On Screen B1+ Teste
On Screen is a series that combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features - An integrated approach to the development of all four language skills. - Notions and functions. - Vocabulary presentation and practice. - Variety of reading, listening and speaking tasks. - Grammar presentation in context. - Activities encouraging critical thinking as well as web research. - Writing sections containing models and development of writing s...
PRP: 18,00 Lei  12,60 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza Spark 2 Monstertrackers. Material aditional pentru profesor
Spark is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level.Key Features: Theme-based units in modules. Variety of reading texts. Realistic everyday dialogues. Writing practice. Pronunciation sections. Listening and Speaking skills. Across Culture and CLIL sections at the end of each module. Self-check sections. Songs and games. ICT (Information & Communication Technology) research activities. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Interactive eBooks free ...
PRP: 46,00 Lei  32,20 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de gramatica limba engleza Enterprise Grammar 2. Manualul profesorului
Enterprise 1 - 4 Grammar Books contain clear simple explanations, and examples of all grammar structures presented, as well as a variety of stimulating exercises. Each unit ends with a revision section. At the end of each book there are progress tests for students to revise the grammar structures taught. The books can be used as a supplement to the Enterprise series, ar any other course at the same level. Enterprise series is designed for learners of English at secondary level. The coursebooks ...
PRP: 18,00 Lei  12,60 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza New Enterprise A2. Manualul Profesorului
New Enterprise is a course for young adult and adult learners of English at CEFR Levels A1 - B2. The series maintains and enriches the original approach adding a variety of new features to meet the demands of today's adults. Key Features - 12 theme-based units - Variety of reading texts accompanied by videos related to them - Variety of listening, speaking and writing skills - Systematic vocabulary presentation and practice - Grammar presentation in context with graded exercises and critic...
PRP: 66,00 Lei  46,20 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza New Enterprise B1+ Teste CD
New Enterprise is a course for young adult and adult learners of English at CEFR Levels A1 - B2+/C1. The series maintains and enriches the original approach adding a variety of new features to meet the demands of today's adults. Key Features - 12 theme-based units - Variety of reading texts accompanied by videos related to them - Variety of listening, speaking and writing skills - Systematic vocabulary presentation and practice - Grammar presentation in context with graded exercises and cr...
PRP: 28,00 Lei  19,60 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza New Enterprise A2 Teste CD
New Enterprise is a course for young adult and adult learners of English at CEFR Levels A1 - B2. The series maintains and enriches the original approach adding a variety of new features to meet the demands of today's adults. Key Features - 12 theme-based units - Variety of reading texts accompanied by videos related to them - Variety of listening, speaking and writing skills - Systematic vocabulary presentation and practice - Grammar presentation in context with graded exercises and critic...
PRP: 28,00 Lei  25,20 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza New Enterprise A2 Manual cu Digibook App
New Enterprise is a course for young adult and adult learners of English at CEFR Levels A1 - B2. The series maintains and enriches the original approach adding a variety of new features to meet the demands of today's adults. Key Features - 12 theme-based units - Variety of reading texts accompanied by videos related to them - Variety of listening, speaking and writing skills - Systematic vocabulary presentation and practice - Grammar presentation in context with graded exercises and critic...
PRP: 74,00 Lei  66,60 LeiAdauga in cos
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