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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

New Round-Up 1. Teacher s Book
New Round-Up English Grammar Practice este o serie de culegeri de gramatica limbii engleze, cu teorie si exercitii, adresata elevilor din invatamantul primar si gimnazial, structurata gradual pe sapte niveluri de invatare, incepand de la nivelul Starter pana la nivelul 6. Culegerile New Round-Up sunt avizate de Ministerul Educatiei pentru lucrul extins la clasa si pot fi folosite ca un manual, dupa orele de curs ca o carte de teme, iar pe timpul vacantei pentru recapitulare, deoarece elevul poa...


PRP: 145,50 Lei  130,95 LeiAdauga in cos
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New Round-Up Starter. Teacher s Book
New Round-Up English Grammar Practice este o serie de culegeri de gramatica limbii engleze, cu teorie si exercitii, adresata elevilor din invatamantul primar si gimnazial, structurata gradual pe sapte niveluri de invatare, incepand de la nivelul Starter pana la nivelul 6. Culegerile New Round-Up sunt avizate de Ministerul Educatiei pentru lucrul extins la clasa si pot fi folosite ca un manual, dupa orele de curs ca o carte de teme, iar pe timpul vacantei pentru recapitulare, deoarece elevul poa...


PRP: 145,50 Lei  130,95 LeiAdauga in cos
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New Round-Up 2. Teacher s Book
New Round-Up English Grammar Practice este o serie de culegeri de gramatica limbii engleze, cu teorie si exercitii, adresata elevilor din invatamantul primar si gimnazial, structurata gradual pe sapte niveluri de invatare, incepand de la nivelul Starter pana la nivelul 6. Culegerile New Round-Up sunt avizate de Ministerul Educatiei pentru lucrul extins la clasa si pot fi folosite ca un manual, dupa orele de curs ca o carte de teme, iar pe timpul vacantei pentru recapitulare, deoarece elevul poa...


PRP: 145,50 Lei  130,95 LeiAdauga in cos
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New Round-Up 3. Teacher s Book
New Round-Up English Grammar Practice este o serie de culegeri de gramatica limbii engleze, cu teorie si exercitii, adresata elevilor din invatamantul primar si gimnazial, structurata gradual pe sapte niveluri de invatare, incepand de la nivelul Starter pana la nivelul 6. Culegerile New Round-Up sunt avizate de Ministerul Educatiei pentru lucrul extins la clasa si pot fi folosite ca un manual, dupa orele de curs ca o carte de teme, iar pe timpul vacantei pentru recapitulare, deoarece elevul poa...


PRP: 145,50 Lei  130,95 LeiAdauga in cos
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New Round-Up 4. Teacher s Book
New Round-Up English Grammar Practice este o serie de culegeri de gramatica limbii engleze, cu teorie si exercitii, adresata elevilor din invatamantul primar si gimnazial, structurata gradual pe sapte niveluri de invatare, incepand de la nivelul Starter pana la nivelul 6. Culegerile New Round-Up sunt avizate de Ministerul Educatiei pentru lucrul extins la clasa si pot fi folosite ca un manual, dupa orele de curs ca o carte de teme, iar pe timpul vacantei pentru recapitulare, deoarece elevul poa...


PRP: 139,90 Lei  125,91 LeiAdauga in cos
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New Round-Up 5. Teacher s Book
New Round-Up English Grammar Practice este o serie de culegeri de gramatica limbii engleze, cu teorie si exercitii, adresata elevilor din invatamantul primar si gimnazial, structurata gradual pe sapte niveluri de invatare, incepand de la nivelul Starter pana la nivelul 6. Culegerile New Round-Up sunt avizate de Ministerul Educatiei pentru lucrul extins la clasa si pot fi folosite ca un manual, dupa orele de curs ca o carte de teme, iar pe timpul vacantei pentru recapitulare, deoarece elevul poa...


PRP: 139,90 Lei  125,91 LeiAdauga in cos
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New Round-Up 6. Teacher s Book
New Round-Up English Grammar Practice este o serie de culegeri de gramatica limbii engleze, cu teorie si exercitii, adresata elevilor din invatamantul primar si gimnazial, structurata gradual pe sapte niveluri de invatare, incepand de la nivelul Starter pana la nivelul 6. Culegerile New Round-Up sunt avizate de Ministerul Educatiei pentru lucrul extins la clasa si pot fi folosite ca un manual, dupa orele de curs ca o carte de teme, iar pe timpul vacantei pentru recapitulare, deoarece elevul poa...


PRP: 139,90 Lei  125,91 LeiAdauga in cos
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Practice Tests Plus Pre A1 Starters Teachers Guide
Seria Practice Tests Plus propune o varietate de exercitii insotite de indicii si indrumari pentru abordarea diferitelor sarcini de examen si familiarizeaza cursantii cu tipurile de sarcini, formatele de intrebari si stilul exercitiilor din testul real. • Prezentarea generala a testului ofera informatii detaliate despre fiecare tip si nivel de examen. • Activitatile de indrumare sporesc gradul de constientizare cu privire la fiecare pare a examenului, imbogatind astfel experienta vii...


PRP: 100,70 Lei  90,63 LeiAdauga in cos
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Rise and Shine. Level 5. Class Audio USB
Rise and Shine’s unique five-stage methodology supports learners in understanding exactly how far they have come and where they are heading on their learning journey, signposted by coloured stepping stones. - Wonder: activities that spark interest, draw on prior knowledge and set out the quest for the unit - Imagine: imaginative stories and activities that encourage cognitive engagement - Build: meaningful language input and practice, providing direction and support, with a strong focus...


PRP: 122,80 Lei  110,52 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Formula B1 Preliminary Teachers Book with Presentation Tool and Digital Resources
Teachers Book: - teaching notes with a wealth of additional and alternative classroom ideas, including warmer and cooler tasks, flexible follow-up tasks and ideas for fast finishers - dyslexia focus boxes identify course resources and give ideas for alternative treatment of tasks - full answer key, including smart answers for exam tasks - how to sections giving advice on using the Exam file, using Formula for different course lengths, teaching for exams, developing your students as indepen...


PRP: 166,50 Lei  149,85 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Formula B2 First Teachers Book with Presentation Tool and Digital Resources
Teachers Book: - teaching notes with a wealth of additional and alternative classroom ideas, including warmer and cooler tasks, flexible follow-up tasks and ideas for fast finishers - dyslexia focus boxes identify course resources and give ideas for alternative treatment of tasks - full answer key, including smart answers for exam tasks - how to sections giving advice on using the Exam file, using Formula for different course lengths, teaching for exams, developing your students as indepen...


PRP: 166,50 Lei  149,85 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Formula C1 Advanced Teachers Book with Presentation Tool and Digital Resources
Teachers Book: - teaching notes with a wealth of additional and alternative classroom ideas, including warmer and cooler tasks, flexible follow-up tasks and ideas for fast finishers - dyslexia focus boxes identify course resources and give ideas for alternative treatment of tasks - full answer key, including smart answers for exam tasks - how to sections giving advice on using the Exam file, using Formula for different course lengths, teaching for exams, developing your students as indepen...


PRP: 166,50 Lei  149,85 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English Code. Teachers Book and Students eBook with Digital Activities and Resources. Level Starter
Contents: Welcome to English Code (p.3) What makes English Code unique? (p.5) Projects (p.11) Videos (p.13) Alphabet (p.15) Measuring progress in English Code (p.16) Component walkthrough (p.18) Unit walkthrough (p.20) Welcome unit (p.27) Unit 1: Birthday fun! (p.34) Unit 2: Mud kitchen (p.50) Checkpoint 1 / Culture 1 (p.64) Unit 3: Music time! (p.68) Unit 4: At the farm (p.84) Checkpoint 2 / Culture 2 (p.98) Unit 5: My Dinosaur (p.102) Unit 6: A picnic (p.118) Checkpoint 3...


PRP: 239,80 Lei  215,82 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English Code. Teachers Book and Students eBook with Digital Activities and Resources. Level 1
Contents: Welcome to English Code (p.3) What makes English Code unique? (p.5) Projects (p.11) Videos (p.13) Bug Club plays (p.15) Measuring progress (p.16) Component walkthrough (p.18) Unit walkthrough (p.20) Lesson flow (p.24) Course song (p.26) Welcome unit: Welcome (p.27) Unit 1: Let's play! (p.38) Unit 2: Art club! (p.60) Checkpoint 1 (p.80) Culture 1 (p.82) Unit 3: Families (p.86) Unit 4: Puppet show! (p.108) Checkpoint 2 (p.128) Culture 2 (p.130) Unit 5: The perfect...


PRP: 239,80 Lei  215,82 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English Code. Teachers Book and Students eBook with Digital Activities and Resources. Level 2
Contents: Welcome to English Code (p.3) What makes English Code unique? (p.5) Projects (p.11) Videos (p.13) Bug Club plays (p.15) Measuring progress (p.16) Component walkthrough (p.18) Unit walkthrough (p.20) Lesson flow (p.24) Course song (p.26) Welcome unit: Welcome (p.27) Unit 1: Out and about! (p.38) Unit 2: Day and night (p.60) Checkpoint 1 (p.80) Culture 1 (p.82) Unit 3: Lost and found (p.86) Unit 4: At the gallery (p.108) Checkpoint 2 (p.128) Culture 2 (p.130) Unit...


PRP: 249,40 Lei  224,46 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English Code. Teachers Book and Students eBook with Digital Activities and Resources. Level 3
Contents: - Welcome to English Code (p.3) - What makes English Code unique? (p.5) - Projects (p.11) - Videos (p.13) - Bug Club plays (p.15) - Measuring progress (p.16) - Component walkthrough (p.18) - Unit walkthrough (p.20) - Lesson flow (p.24) - Course song (p.26) - Welcome unit: Welcome (p.27) - Unit 1: Show time! (p.38) - Unit 2: Frozen (p.60) - Checkpoint 1 (p.80) - Culture 1 (p.82) - Unit 3: Celebrations! (p.86) - Unit 4: Blast off! (p.108) - Checkpoint 2 (p.128) - Cultu...


PRP: 249,40 Lei  224,46 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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New Language Leader Advanced CD (3 CDs)
New Language Leader Advanced 2nd edition Audio CD Pack - Improve students' listening skills with the Audio CDs - Get the Audio Class CDs as an alternative to the MP3 audio in ActiveTeach. - The ideal complement to theCoursebook - The audio content is designed to match the exercises in theCoursebook, so it can be used together with the book or separately. Content: - CD1 - Units 1-6, 71 mins; - CD2 - Units 7-9, 73 mins, Mid-Course Assessment; - CD3 - Units 10-12, 51 mins, End of ...


PRP: 88,30 Lei  79,47 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Focus 1 Teachers Book with Online Practice and Assessment Package, 2nd edition
Focus Second Editionis built upon motivation, memory and meaning: three principles that are specifically relevant to teenage learners. This reliable, tried and tested approach has been revised to deliver what today’s students need. The new edition has been fully upgraded with many new features to make the content memorable, the themes meaningful and the learning process motivating. Solid exam preparation: Focus Second Editionis a tried-and-tested series that gives your students the ...


PRP: 180,90 Lei  162,81 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Focus 2 Teachers Book with Online Practice and Assessment Package, 2nd edition
Focus Second Editionis built upon motivation, memory and meaning: three principles that are specifically relevant to teenage learners. This reliable, tried and tested approach has been revised to deliver what today’s students need. The new edition has been fully upgraded with many new features to make the content memorable, the themes meaningful and the learning process motivating. Solid exam preparation: Focus Second Editionis a tried-and-tested series that gives your students the ...


PRP: 173,90 Lei  156,51 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Focus 3 Teachers Book with Online Practice and Assessment Package, 2nd edition
Focus Second Editionis built upon motivation, memory and meaning: three principles that are specifically relevant to teenage learners. This reliable, tried and tested approach has been revised to deliver what today’s students need. The new edition has been fully upgraded with many new features to make the content memorable, the themes meaningful and the learning process motivating. Solid exam preparation: Focus Second Editionis a tried-and-tested series that gives your students the ...


PRP: 180,90 Lei  162,81 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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