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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Dyson, Leone
Tip afisare:
My Little Island Level 1. Teachers Book
The interleaved Teacher's Edition includes full-size Student Book pages right beside the teaching lessons. A two-page Unit Overview with each unit's content and objectives also provides bulletin-board ideas, story summaries, and home-school and curriculum connections.


PRP: 139,00 Lei  125,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
My Little Island Level 2. Teachers Book
The interleaved Teacher's Edition includes full-size Student Book pages right beside the teaching lessons. A two-page Unit Overview with each unit's content and objectives also provides bulletin-board ideas, story summaries, and home-school and curriculum connections.


PRP: 141,90 Lei  127,71 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
My Little Island Level 3. Teachers Book
The interleaved Teacher's Edition includes full-size Student Book pages right beside the teaching lessons. A two-page Unit Overview with each unit's content and objectives also provides bulletin-board ideas, story summaries, and home-school and curriculum connections.Nr. pagini: 260Dimensiuni: 304 x 205 x 14mm | 680gAn aparitie: 2012


PRP: 136,40 Lei  122,76 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare