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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Waring, Rob
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Footprint Reading Library B2 (1,900 headwords). Teachers Book
\\"The Footprint Reading Library\\" is the first non-fiction reading series for English language learners to present real-world stories in print, audio, and video. This series offers fascinating stories and facts from across the planet, and develops the language and skills needed to understand non-fiction writing. It offers a rich selection of engaging non-fiction, grouped into five themes: Incredible Animals, Fascinating Places, Remarkable People, Exciting Activities, and Amazing Science. One h...
PRP: 41,00 Lei  36,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Footprint Reading Library B1 (1300 words). Teachers Book
This is a rich selection of engaging non-fiction, grouped into five themes: Incredible Animals, Fascinating Places, Remarkable People, Exciting Activities, and Amazing Science. The features are: one hundred individual readers, graded into eight levels - from Pre-Intermediate to Advanced - and ranging from 800 to 3,000 headword; carefully-controlled grammar syllabus that covers the most typically taught structures in coursebooks; audio programme containing the full text of each reader; and, teach...
PRP: 41,00 Lei  36,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Footprint Reading Library C1 (3,000 headwords). Teachers Book
\\"The Footprint Reading Library\\" is the first non-fiction reading series for English language learners to present real-world stories in print, audio, and video. This series offers fascinating stories and facts from across the planet, and develops the language and skills needed to understand non-fiction writing. It offers a rich selection of engaging non-fiction, grouped into five themes: Incredible Animals, Fascinating Places, Remarkable People, Exciting Activities, and Amazing Science. One h...
PRP: 41,00 Lei  36,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Footprint Reading Library C1. Teachers Book
\\"The Footprint Reading Library\\" is the first non-fiction reading series for English language learners to present real-world stories in print, audio, and video. This series offers fascinating stories and facts from across the planet, and develops the language and skills needed to understand non-fiction writing. It offers a rich selection of engaging non-fiction, grouped into five themes: Incredible Animals, Fascinating Places, Remarkable People, Exciting Activities, and Amazing Science. One h...
PRP: 41,00 Lei  36,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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