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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Mayhew, Camilla
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Guess What! Levels 5-6 Teachers Resource and Tests CD-ROMs
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. The Guess What! Teacher''s Resource and Tests CD-ROM for Levels 5 and 6 provides inspiration for extra practice as well as tools to evaluate pupils'' progress. Extra worksheets (three pages per unit) providing reinforcement activities for the core vocabulary and grammar structures of each unit. The Test CD-ROM contains:...
PRP: 110,00 Lei  88,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Levels 3-4 Teachers Resource and Tests CD-ROMs
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. The Guess What! Teacher''s Resource and Tests CD-ROM for Levels 3 and 4 provides inspiration for extra practice as well as tools to evaluate pupils'' progress. Extra worksheets (three pages per unit) providing reinforcement activities for the core vocabulary and grammar structures of each unit. The Test CD-ROM contains:...
PRP: 110,00 Lei  88,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Levels 1-2 Teachers Resource and Tests CD-ROM British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. The Guess What! Teacher''s Resource and Tests CD-ROM for Levels 1 and 2 provides inspiration for extra practice as well as tools to evaluate pupils'' progress. Extra worksheets (three pages per unit) providing reinforcement activities for the core vocabulary and grammar structures of each unit. The Test CD-ROM contains:...
PRP: 110,00 Lei  88,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare