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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

McCullagh, Marie
Tip afisare:
Good Practice Teachers Book : Communication Skills in English for the Medical Practitioner
Good Practice focuses on the language and communication skills that doctors need to make consultations more effective, using five elements of good communication: verbal communication, active listening, voice management, non-verbal communication and cultural awareness. The Teacher''s Book is an invaluable tool for anyone wishing to use Good Practice in the classroom. As well as guiding the teacher through the activities, each unit offers background information to the unit topic, notes on medical ...
PRP: 121,00 Lei  96,80 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Good Practice Teacher''s Book : Communication Skills in English for the Medical Practitioner
Good Practice focuses on the language and communication skills that doctors need to make consultations more effective, using five elements of good communication: verbal communication, active listening, voice management, non-verbal communication and cultural awareness. The Teacher''s Book is an invaluable tool for anyone wishing to use Good Practice in the classroom. As well as guiding the teacher through the activities, each unit offers background information to the unit topic, notes on medical ...
PRP: 140,00 Lei  112,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Good Practice 2 Audio CD Set : Communication Skills in English for the Medical Practitioner
Good Practice focuses on the language and communication skills that doctors need to make consultations more effective using five elements of good communication: verbal communication, active listening, voice management, non-verbal communication and cultural awareness. Students will learn how to sensitively handle a range of situations such as breaking bad news and examining patients, preparing doctors for dealing with different types of patients. With reference to numerous medical communication e...
PRP: 113,00 Lei  90,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Good Practice DVD : Communication Skills in English for the Medical Practitioner
Good Practice focuses on the language and communication skills that doctors need to make consultations more effective using five elements of good communication: verbal communication, active listening, voice management, non-verbal communication and cultural awareness. The DVD is a unique tool that offers students the chance to observe a range of doctor-patient encounters. As well as consolidating language and communication strategies presented in the Student\\''s Book, the DVD also allows learner...
PRP: 203,00 Lei  162,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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