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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Ellis, Prinha
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Way Ahead 3 Teacher CD
The Teachers Book CD contains all of the audio recordings from the Pupils Book.
PRP: 39,00 Lei  35,10 LeiAdauga in cos
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Way Ahead 1 Teachers Book (Revised Edition)
This popular six-level course has now been revised to make it even more accesible and appealing to young learners of English.Key features of this NEW EDITIONNEW All books have been redesigned to include more photographs, giving a fresher, more modern look to the courseNEW General content has been updated, e.g. using computers in the classroom and at homeNEW Scope and Sequence at the beginning of each Pupil's Book make it easy for children and parents to follow the syllabus. All books now include...


PRP: 114,00 Lei  102,60 LeiAdauga in cos
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