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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Jayne, Wildman
Tip afisare:
Next Move 3 Class Audio CDs
CD1 Tracks 1.1 - 1.39; Units 1-3 - 49 minutesCD2 Tracks 2.1 - 2.38; Units 4-6 - 51 minutesCD3 Tracks 3.1 - 3.46; Units 5-9 and Cultures 1-6 - 67 minutesshow moreISBN: 9781408293591Nr pagini: 3 pagesFormat: 140 x 153 x 24mm | 180gAnul aparitiei: 02 May 2013


PRP: 77,80 Lei  70,02 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Move It! 3 Class CDs
The first course for teenagers, fully implementing 21st Century Learning & Teaching, prepares students to succeed in the contemporary world.Ideal for mixed-ability classes, the course personalizes the learning process. Rich modern media package saves teachers time and captures students attention. Complete Assessment Package to monitor students learning process. Class Audio CDsContain all the recorded material from the Students Book.Nr pagini: 3 pagesFormat: 125 x 144 x 24mm | 168gAnul aparit...


PRP: 77,80 Lei  70,02 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Move It! 3. eText CD ROM
The first course for teenagers, fully implementing 21st Century Learning & Teaching, prepares students to succeed in the contemporary world.Ideal for mixed-ability classes, the course personalizes the learning process. Rich modern media package saves teachers time and captures students attention. Complete Assessment Package to monitor students learning process. Teachers eText for Interactive WhiteboardsMakes classes lively through a wealth of multimedia materials and exercises. It keeps stud...


PRP: 441,50 Lei  397,35 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Discover English Global Level 3 Class Audio CD 1-3 with Tests audio
Learn more about the world and English with Discover English. With four levels and two possible starting points, Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the right amount of variety and challenge to motivate young learners. Texts and dialogues present new language in meaningful contexts. Culture Sections encourage students to refl ect on the differences between their own culture and others. Cartoon stories and hidden codes add a truly fun aspect coupled to improving st...


PRP: 96,50 Lei  86,85 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Matrix Pre-Intermediate Teachers Book
Description: A series that prepares students for secondary school-leaving exams. Key features Matrix develops grammar, vocabulary and the four main skills within an exam context. Engaging texts provide authentic input for the development of students' reading and listening skills, and provide cultural information. Each unit is theme-related, with topics chosen for their appeal to 16-19 year-olds. Grammar is presented and practised in a way that allows students to reflect on their understan...
PRP: 44,00 Lei  39,60 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Matrix Foundation Class Audio CDs
Description: A series that prepares students for secondary school-leaving exams. Key features: Matrix develops grammar, vocabulary and the four main skills within an exam context. Engaging texts provide authentic input for the development of students' reading and listening skills, and provide cultural information. Each unit is theme-related, with topics chosen for their appeal to 16-19 year-olds. Grammar is presented and practised in a way that allows students to reflect on their understa...
PRP: 99,00 Lei  89,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Matrix Foundation Teachers Book
Description: A series that prepares students for secondary school-leaving exams. Key features: Matrix develops grammar, vocabulary and the four main skills within an exam context. Engaging texts provide authentic input for the development of students' reading and listening skills, and provide cultural information. Each unit is theme-related, with topics chosen for their appeal to 16-19 year-olds. Grammar is presented and practised in a way that allows students to reflect on their understa...
PRP: 44,00 Lei  39,60 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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