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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Oxendon, C
Tip afisare:
New English File Intermediate Class Audio (CDs 3)
Description: The Intermediate coursebook that gets students talking, and that helps teachers and students more than any other. Key features English File gets students talking - fun, motivating lessons that really work. English File helps teachers - the best Teacher's Book there is, full of extra ideas and photocopiables, and a great teacher's website. English File helps students - a full student package including Workbook, MultiROM, and website, all working together and cross-referenced by...
PRP: 138,00 Lei  124,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
New English File Intermediate Teachers Book with Test and Assessment CD-ROM
Description: The Intermediate coursebook that gets students talking, and that helps teachers and students more than any other. Key features English File gets students talking - fun, motivating lessons that really work. English File helps teachers - the best Teacher's Book there is, full of extra ideas and photocopiables, and a great teacher's website. English File helps students - a full student package including Workbook, MultiROM, and website, all working together and cross-referenced by...
PRP: 101,00 Lei  90,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare