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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Get Ready for IELTS: Teachers Guide : IELTS 3.5  (A2 )


Get Ready for IELTS is the perfect course for students who are preparing to take the Academic version of the IELTS exam. It has been specially designed to help lower-level students to `get ready'' for an IELTS preparation course.Get Ready for IELTS provides a firm foundation for lower-level students who are starting out in their IELTS preparation and are working within a band score of 3.5-4.5. The information, advice and practice material will enable students to improve their score and develop t...
PRP: 96,00 Lei  81,60 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Collins Practice Tests for the TOEIC Test
Prepare yourself thoroughly for the TOEIC test By using Practice Tests for the TOEIC Test, you will: * Feel completely confident about how the TOEIC test works * Know what to expect on the day of the test * Improve your score through realistic practice All you need for your ideal TOEIC score: - Four complete TOEIC tests, including Speaking and Writing papers - A clear guide to how the TOEIC test works - A whole section full of useful tips on how to do well in the exam - A CD ( transcript) with ...
PRP: 156,00 Lei  132,60 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare