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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Bryant, Melissa
Tip afisare:
English Code. Teachers Book and Students eBook with Digital Activities and Resources. Level Starter
Contents: Welcome to English Code (p.3) What makes English Code unique? (p.5) Projects (p.11) Videos (p.13) Alphabet (p.15) Measuring progress in English Code (p.16) Component walkthrough (p.18) Unit walkthrough (p.20) Welcome unit (p.27) Unit 1: Birthday fun! (p.34) Unit 2: Mud kitchen (p.50) Checkpoint 1 / Culture 1 (p.64) Unit 3: Music time! (p.68) Unit 4: At the farm (p.84) Checkpoint 2 / Culture 2 (p.98) Unit 5: My Dinosaur (p.102) Unit 6: A picnic (p.118) Checkpoint 3...


PRP: 239,80 Lei  215,82 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
English Code. Teachers Book and Students eBook with Digital Activities and Resources. Level 1
Contents: Welcome to English Code (p.3) What makes English Code unique? (p.5) Projects (p.11) Videos (p.13) Bug Club plays (p.15) Measuring progress (p.16) Component walkthrough (p.18) Unit walkthrough (p.20) Lesson flow (p.24) Course song (p.26) Welcome unit: Welcome (p.27) Unit 1: Let's play! (p.38) Unit 2: Art club! (p.60) Checkpoint 1 (p.80) Culture 1 (p.82) Unit 3: Families (p.86) Unit 4: Puppet show! (p.108) Checkpoint 2 (p.128) Culture 2 (p.130) Unit 5: The perfect...


PRP: 239,80 Lei  215,82 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare