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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Warwick, Lindsay
Tip afisare:
Formula B1 Preliminary Teachers Book with Presentation Tool and Digital Resources
Teachers Book: - teaching notes with a wealth of additional and alternative classroom ideas, including warmer and cooler tasks, flexible follow-up tasks and ideas for fast finishers - dyslexia focus boxes identify course resources and give ideas for alternative treatment of tasks - full answer key, including smart answers for exam tasks - how to sections giving advice on using the Exam file, using Formula for different course lengths, teaching for exams, developing your students as indepen...


PRP: 166,50 Lei  149,85 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Gold Experience 2nd Edition B1. Class Audio CDs
Full audio to accompany the Students Book and the WorkbookNr pagini: 3 pagesFormat: 130 x 140 x 30mm | 174gAnul aparitiei: 26 Feb 2019


PRP: 57,40 Lei  51,66 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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