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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Ellis, Printha J
Tip afisare:
Way Ahead 6 Teachers Book Revised
The Way Ahead 6 Teachers Book contains notes on every lesson in the Pupils Book and Workbook and detailed step-by-step notes on how to present and practise the language points. The Teachers Book also contains warm-up activities and extra activities including projects, along with all the tapescripts and answer keys to all exercises and tests.
PRP: 114,00 Lei  102,60 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Way Ahead 5 Teachers Book Revised
The Way Ahead 5 Teachers Book contains notes on every lesson in the Pupils Book and Workbook and detailed step-by-step notes on how to present and practise the language points. The Teachers Book also contains warm-up activities and extra activities including projects, along with all the tapescripts and answer keys to all exercises and tests.
PRP: 114,00 Lei  102,60 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Way Ahead 3 Teachers Book Revised
The Way Ahead 3 Teachers Book contains notes on every lesson in the Pupils Book and Workbook and detailed step-by-step notes on how to present and practise the language points. The Teachers Book also contains warm-up activities and extra activities including projects, along with all the tapescripts and answer keys to all exercises and tests.
PRP: 114,00 Lei  102,60 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare