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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Holley, Gill
Tip afisare:
Real Life Global Upper Intermediate Teachers Handbook
The Teachers Handbook provides all the support you need to effectively teach the course. With background notes, teaching suggestions and photocopiable material, the Teachers Handbook is a valuable moreISBN: 9781405897174Nr pagini: 152 pagesFormat: 212 x 299 x 8mm | 440gAnul aparitiei: 28 Dec 2016
PRP: 147,20 Lei  132,48 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Real Life Global Advanced Teachers Handbook
Reduced pages from the Students Book with teaching suggestions and answers.* Background notes on Culture2know sections on the content of the lesson.* Answers to Students Book activities.* Tapescripts for the Class and Workbook activities.* Ideas for warm-up exercises, extension activities and discussion topics.* Now your students can list summarising the points that students have learned in each lesson.* Teachers notes and information on when to use the Mini Workbook, Multi-ROM exercises and pho...
PRP: 146,80 Lei  132,12 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare