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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Aish, Fiona
Tip afisare:
Expert IELTS 7.5 Teachers Resource Book
The Teachers Book provides essential support to teach the course. It gives you clear guidance on how to make the most of the Coursebook material and how to use the other resources and components to personalize learning for classes and individuals. Online materials include a wide range of resources to help you make the most of the course. With access across all three levels, you can use differentiated materials for mixed ability classes, including: - assessment: Placement, Diagnostic, Module an...
PRP: 118,80 Lei  106,92 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Expert IELTS 6 Teachers Resource Book
The Teacher’s Book provides essential support to teach the course. It gives you clear guidance on how to make the most of the Coursebook material and how to use the other resources and components to personalize learning for classes and individuals. Online materials include a wide range of resources to help you make the most of the course. With access across all three levels, you can use differentiated materials for mixed ability classes, including: - assessment: Placement, Diagnostic, Mo...
PRP: 118,80 Lei  106,92 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Expert IELTS 5 Teachers Resource Book
The Teachers Book provides essential support to teach the course. It gives you clear guidance on how to make the most of the Coursebook material and how to use the other resources and components to personalize learning for classes and individuals. Online materials include a wide range of resources to help you make the most of the course. With access across all three levels, you can use differentiated materials for mixed ability classes, including: - assessment: Placement, Diagnostic, Module an...
PRP: 118,80 Lei  106,92 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare