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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Murgatroyd, Nicholas
Tip afisare:
Interactive Level 4 Teachers Resource Pack
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Teacher\\''s Resource Pack contains two communication-based \\''Interaction\\'' activities, as well as a page each of Grammar and Vocabulary practice per unit. The activity pages are all photocopiable for students. Photocopiable Vocabulary Expander pages provide students with additional practice in the vocabulary learned. Format Spiral bound | 96 pages Dimensions 215 ...
PRP: 129,00 Lei  103,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Interactive Level 3 Teachers Resource Pack
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Teacher\\''s Resource Pack contains two communication-based \\''Interaction\\'' activities, as well as a page each of Grammar and Vocabulary practice per unit. The activity pages are all photocopiable for students. Photocopiable Vocabulary Expander pages provide students with additional practice in the vocabulary learned. Format Spiral bound | 96 pages Dimensions 215 ...
PRP: 129,00 Lei  103,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Interactive Level 2 Teachers Resource Pack
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Teacher\\''s Resource Pack contains two communication-based \\''Interaction\\'' activities, as well as a page each of Grammar and Vocabulary practice per unit. The activity pages are all photocopiable for students. Photocopiable Picture Dictionary pages provide students with practice in the vocabulary learned as they first label the pictures, and then keep them as a han...
PRP: 129,00 Lei  103,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Interactive Level 1 Teachers Resource Pack
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Teacher\\''s Resource Pack contains two communication-based \\''Interaction\\'' activities, as well as a page each of Grammar and Vocabulary practice per unit. The activity pages are all photocopiable for students. Photocopiable Picture Dictionary pages provide students with practice in the vocabulary learned as they first label the pictures, and then keep them as a han...
PRP: 121,00 Lei  96,80 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare