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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Koustaff, Lesley
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Guess What! Level 6 Presentation Plus British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. Guess What! Presentation Plus Level 6 is an all-in-one resource presentation tool to help you plan and deliver lively, engaging lessons. With a user-friendly interface it combines fully interactive Pupil''s and Activity Books, interactive whiteboard tools, the complete multimedia library, teacher''s resources, including...
PRP: 798,00 Lei  638,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Level 6 Class Audio CDs (3) British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. The three Guess What! Audio CDs Level 6 contain all the recorded material for the Pupil''s Book, including chants and stories. The audio script is included in each lesson in the teaching notes, when it is not seen on the Pupil''s Book page. Format CD-Audio Dimensions 135 x 192 x 15mm | 120g Publication date01 Jan...
PRP: 79,00 Lei  63,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Level 5 Presentation Plus British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. Guess What! Presentation Plus Level 5 is an all-in-one resource presentation tool to help you plan and deliver lively, engaging lessons. With a user-friendly interface it combines fully interactive Pupil''s and Activity Books, interactive whiteboard tools, the complete multimedia library, teacher''s resources, including...
PRP: 798,00 Lei  638,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Level 5 Class Audio CDs (3) British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. The three Guess What! Level 5 Audio CDs contain all the recorded material for the Pupil''s Book, including chants and stories. The audio script is included in each lesson in the teaching notes, when it is not seen on the Pupil''s Book page. Format CD-Audio Dimensions 135 x 192 x 15mm | 120g Publication date07 Oct 2...
PRP: 79,00 Lei  63,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Level 4 Presentation Plus British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. Guess What! Presentation Plus Level 4 is an all-in-one resource presentation tool to help you plan and deliver lively, engaging lessons. With a user-friendly interface it combines fully interactive Pupil''s and Activity Books, interactive whiteboard tools, the complete multimedia library, teacher''s resources, including...
PRP: 798,00 Lei  638,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Level 4 Class Audio CDs (2) British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. The two Guess What! Level 4 Audio CDs contain all the recorded material for the Pupil''s Book, including the songs (with karaoke versions), chants and stories. The audio script is included in each lesson in the teaching notes, when it is not seen on the Pupil''s Book page. Format CD-Audio Dimensions 135 x 193 x ...
PRP: 79,00 Lei  63,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Level 3 Presentation Plus British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. Guess What! Presentation Plus Level 3 is an all-in-one resource presentation tool to help you plan and deliver lively, engaging lessons. With a user-friendly interface it combines fully interactive Pupil''s and Activity Books, interactive whiteboard tools, the complete multimedia library, teacher''s resources, including...
PRP: 798,00 Lei  638,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Level 3 Class Audio CDs (2) British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. The two Guess What! Audio CDs Level 3 contain all the recorded material for the Pupil''s Book, including the songs (with karaoke versions), chants and stories. The audio script is included in each lesson in the teaching notes, when it is not seen on the Pupil''s Book page. Format CD-Audio Dimensions 135 x 192 x 15...
PRP: 79,00 Lei  63,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Level 2 Presentation Plus British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. Guess What! Presentation Plus Level 2 is an all-in-one resource presentation tool to help you plan and deliver lively, engaging lessons. With a user-friendly interface it combines fully interactive Pupil''s and Activity Books, interactive whiteboard tools, the complete multimedia library, teacher''s resources, including...
PRP: 798,00 Lei  638,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Level 2 Class Audio CDs (3) British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. The three Guess What! Audio CDs Level 2 contain all the recorded material for the Pupil''s Book, including the songs (with karaoke versions), chants and stories. The audio script is included in each lesson in the teaching notes, when it is not seen on the Pupil''s Book page. Format CD-Audio Dimensions 135 x 192 x ...
PRP: 79,00 Lei  63,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Level 1 Presentation Plus British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. Guess What! Presentation Plus Level 1 is an all-in-one resource presentation tool to help you plan and deliver lively, engaging lessons. With a user-friendly interface it combines fully interactive Pupil''s and Activity Books, interactive whiteboard tools, the complete multimedia library, teacher''s resources, including...
PRP: 798,00 Lei  638,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Guess What! Level 1 Class Audio CDs (3) British English
Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. The three Guess What! Audio CDs Level 1 contain all the recorded material for the Pupil''s Book, including the songs (with karaoke versions), chants and stories. The audio script is included in each lesson in the teaching notes, when it is not seen on the Pupil''s Book page. Format CD-Audio Dimensions 135 x 192 x ...
PRP: 79,00 Lei  63,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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