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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Boyle, Charles
Tip afisare:
Campaign 3 Teachers Book
Campaign is an award-winning course in English for the military. Each unit in this teacher\\''s book features background briefings for civilian teachers and guidance on teaching English in a military moreISBN: 9781405009911Nr pagini: 152 pagesFormat: 217 x 276 x 9mm | 397gAnul aparitiei: 01 Jan 2006


PRP: 156,00 Lei  140,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Campaign. English for Law Enforcement - Class Audio CD (2 CD)
The latest addition to the Campaign suite of titles. It is designed to meet the needs of law enforcement personnel, from customs officers to gendarmes to police. Topics and texts have been carefully selected from a variety of law enforcement contexts and all content has been verified by law enforcement officers from all over the globe, including Thailand, Germany, Spain and the UK.Ideal for independent or class room study.Year : 2009


PRP: 73,00 Lei  65,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Campaign 2 Teachers Book
Campaign is an award-winning course in English for the military. This teacher''s book contains units that feature background briefings for civilian teachers and guidance on teaching English in a military moreNr pagini: 160 pagesFormat: 217 x 276 x 10mm | 411gAnul aparitiei: 01 Jan 2012