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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Dooley, Jenny
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Curs de limba engleza Blockbuster 1 DVD-ROM
Material interactiv, nivel Beginner, prezinta doua variante de operare, atat in engleza Americana, cat si in engleza britanica, putand fi preluate si inregistrari vocale ale elevilor pentru realizarea unor comparatii. De asemenea, elevii au posibilitatea de a accesa activitatile interactive creandu-si conturi individuale, cu grafice si punctaje separate, revizuind intr-o maniera agreabila si stimulativa unitatile de invatare parcurse la clasa.
PRP: 36,00 Lei  32,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs de limba engleza Blockbuster 1 CD-ROM
Componenta CD-ROM pentru manualul Blockbuster 1. Contine activitati interactive, exercitii de gramatica si vocabular, jocuri si cantece care contribuie la dezvoltarea celor patru abilitati: vorbire, citire, scriere, ascultare. Ofera elevilor posibilitatea de a se autoevalua printr-un sistem de inregistrare a progresului. Util atat pentru studiu la scoala, cat si individual, acasa. Usor de folosit intr-un laborator de informatica. Asigura recapitularea si consolidarea cunostintelor acumulate, int...
PRP: 33,00 Lei  29,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs Limba Engleza # English 3 Manualul profesorului la gramatica cu digibook APP
#English is an engaging three-level course for learners at CEFR Levels A1-B1. Each level consists of 30 units in 6 themed modules. This flexible series offers an effective combination of print and digital resources, and aims to enhance student autonomy and boost the development of real-life skills.
PRP: 112,00 Lei  100,80 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs Limba Engleza # English 3 Manualul profesorului cu digibook APP
#English is an engaging three-level course for learners at CEFR Levels A1-B1. Each level consists of 30 units in 6 themed modules. This flexible series offers an effective combination of print and digital resources, and aims to enhance student autonomy and boost the development of real-life skills.
PRP: 226,00 Lei  203,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs Limba Engleza # English 3 Caietul profesorului cu digibook APP
#English is an engaging three-level course for learners at CEFR Levels A1-B1. Each level consists of 30 units in 6 themed modules. This flexible series offers an effective combination of print and digital resources, and aims to enhance student autonomy and boost the development of real-life skills.
PRP: 90,00 Lei  81,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs Limba Engleza # English 2 Manualul profesorului la gramatica cu digibook APP
Hashtag English is an engaging three-level course for learners at CEFR Levels A1-B1. Each level consists of 30 units in 6 themed modules. This flexible series offers an effective combination of print and digital resources, allowing teachers who wish to make use of Blended or Flipped learning frameworks to enhance student autonomy and boost the development of real-life skills
PRP: 112,00 Lei  100,80 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs Limba Engleza # English 2 Caietul profesorului cu digibook APP
Hashtag English is an engaging three-level course for learners at CEFR Levels A1-B1. Each level consists of 30 units in 6 themed modules. This flexible series offers an effective combination of print and digital resources, allowing teachers who wish to make use of Blended or Flipped learning frameworks to enhance student autonomy and boost the development of real-life skills.
PRP: 90,00 Lei  81,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs Limba Engleza # English 1 Manualul profesorului la gramatica cu digibook APP
Hashtag English is an engaging three-level course for learners at CEFR Levels A1-B1. Each level consists of 30 units in 6 themed modules. This flexible series offers an effective combination of print and digital resources, allowing teachers who wish to make use of Blended or Flipped learning frameworks to enhance student autonomy and boost the development of real-life skills. The engaging and fun content keeps students motivated and makes them confident users of the English language. #English is...
PRP: 112,00 Lei  100,80 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs Limba Engleza # English 1 Manualul profesorului cu digibook APP
Hashtag English is an engaging three-level course for learners at CEFR Levels A1-B1. Each level consists of 30 units in 6 themed modules. This flexible series offers an effective combination of print and digital resources, allowing teachers who wish to make use of Blended or Flipped learning frameworks to enhance student autonomy and boost the development of real-life skills. The engaging and fun content keeps students motivated and makes them confident users of the English language. #English is...
PRP: 226,00 Lei  203,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs Limba Engleza # English 1 Caietul profesorului cu digibook APP
Hashtag English is an engaging three-level course for learners at CEFR Levels A1-B1. Each level consists of 30 units in 6 themed modules. This flexible series offers an effective combination of print and digital resources, allowing teachers who wish to make use of Blended or Flipped learning frameworks to enhance student autonomy and boost the development of real-life skills. The engaging and fun content keeps students motivated and makes them confident users of the English language. #English is...
PRP: 90,00 Lei  81,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs de limba engleza. Career Paths Police - Manualul profesorului
Career Paths Police, este o noua resursa educationala pentru toti profesionistii care doresc sa isi imbunatateasca comunicarea in limba engleza in acest domeniu.Fiecare unitate ofera instructiuni pas-cu-pas care afunda studentii in cele patru componente lingvistice cheie: citit, ascultat, scris si vorbit.
PRP: 28,00 Lei  25,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs de limba engleza. Career Paths Law - Pachetul profesorului
The Teacher s book contains a full answer key and audio scripts.The audio CDs contain all recorded material in American English and British English.
PRP: 125,00 Lei  112,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs de limba engleza. Career Paths Kindergarten Teacher - Pachetul profesorului cu ghidul profesorului si Digibooks App
Career Paths: - Teacher s Pack contains: - Student s Book - Teacher s Guide - Audio CDs - Cross-Platform Application
PRP: 125,00 Lei  112,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Curs de limba engleza. Career Paths Kindergarten Teacher - Pachetul profesorului
Career Paths Kindergarten Teacher este o noua resursa educationala pentru toti profesorii care lucreaza cu copiii si care doresc sa isi imbunatateasca comunicarea in limba engleza in acest domeniu.Fiecare unitate ofera instructiuni pas-cu-pas care afunda studentii in cele patru componente lingvistice cheie: citit, ascultat , scris si vorbit .
PRP: 125,00 Lei  112,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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