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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Spratt, Mary
Tip afisare:
Mission IELTS 2 Academic Academic Teachers Book
Mission IELTS 2 Academic is the second in a two-course book series which aims to help students to achieve their potential for success in the IELTS exam. Each of its thematic units aims to develop the core language and skills needed for success in one of the IELTS papers. Its innovative unit structure enables the user to focus in-depth on language and skills to improve performance in the different sections of each paper and provides thorough exam awareness training and practice for the different ...
PRP: 31,00 Lei  21,70 LeiAdauga in cos
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Mission IELTS 2 Academic Class CD (set 2 Cd uri)
Mission IELTS 2 Academic is the second in a two-course book series which aims to help students to achieve their potential for success in the IELTS exam. Each of its thematic units aims to develop the core language and skills needed for success in one of the IELTS papers. Its innovative unit structure enables the user to focus in-depth on language and skills to improve performance in the different sections of each paper and provides thorough exam awareness training and practice for the different ...
PRP: 48,00 Lei  43,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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