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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Granger, Colin
Tip afisare:
Hot Spot 4. Teachers Pack
The Teacher''s Book Pack contains interleaved notes next to each Student''s Book page where there are comprehensive teacher''s notes, step-by-step lesson notes and additional information. Teaching tips and Photocopiable worksheets provide ideas and material for teachers. The accompanying CD contains a range of different tests to assess students. Format: 210 x 297 x 13mm | 639gAnul aparitiei: 24 Mar 2010


PRP: 156,00 Lei  140,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Hot Spot 2 Teachers Pack
The Teacher\\''s Book Pack contains interleaved notes next to each Student\\''s Book page where there are comprehensive teacher\\''s notes, step-by-step lesson notes and additional information. Teaching tips and Photocopiable worksheets provide ideas and material for teachers. The accompanying CD contains a range of different tests to assess students.Nr pagini: Mixed media product | 1 pages Format: 210 x 298 x 11mm | 644gAnul aparitiei: 31 Jan 2009...


PRP: 156,00 Lei  140,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Hot Spot 1 Teachers Pack
The Teacher\\''s Book Pack contains interleaved notes next to each Student\\''s Book page where there are comprehensive teacher\\''s notes, step-by-step lesson notes and additional information. Teaching tips and Photocopiable worksheets provide ideas and material for teachers. The accompanying CD contains a range of different tests to assess students.Nr pagini: Mixed media product | 1 pagesFormat: 210 x 297 x 13mm | 774gAnul aparitiei: 09 Mar 2009...


PRP: 156,00 Lei  140,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare