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Carti in categoria Teacher's manual

Clark, Simon Mellor
Tip afisare:
Campaign 3 CD
Campaign is an award-winning course in English for the military. The listening scenarios in the class audio CDs include radio transmissions, news programmes, military briefings, drills and telephone conversations. The variety of accents reflects the reality of international moreFormat: 124 x 142 x 24mm | 171gAnul aparitiei: 01 Jan 2006


PRP: 73,00 Lei  65,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Campaign 2 CD
Campaign is an award-winning course in English for the military. These CDs contain realistic listening scenarios that include radio transmissions, news programmes, military briefings, drills and telephone conversations. They include a variety of accents that reflects the reality of international moreNr pagini: 3 pagesFormat: 124 x 142 x 24mm | 157gAnul aparitiei: 02 Mar 2005...


PRP: 73,00 Lei  65,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Campaign 1 CD
Campaign 1 class CD contains all the listening activities in the campaign 1 student\\''s moreNr pagini: 2 pagesFormat: 124 x 142 x 11mm | 96gAnul aparitiei: 08 Jan 2004


PRP: 70,00 Lei  63,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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