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Carti in categoria Student handbook

Bowell, Jeremy
Tip afisare:
Optimise A2 Students Book Premium Pack
The Students Book Premium Pack comprises the print Students Book, together with a code for the eBook (a PDF version of the Students Book with audio) and an access code for the Students Resource Centre, where downloadable audio, videos and worksheets are available as well as access to the Online Workbook containing embedded audio.
PRP: 107,00 Lei  96,30 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Optimise A2. Students Book Pack
The Student's Book Pack comprises the print Student's Book, together with a code for the eBook (a PDF version of the Student's Book with embedded audio tracks) and an access code for the Student's Resource Centre, where students can download course audio, videos and worksheets.An aparitie: 2019Format: 29,8 X 21