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Carti in categoria Grammar & Language

Expert Proficiency Coursebook and Audio CD Pack (With March 2013 Exam Specifications)
Expertprovides rigorous exam training for high-achieving students while continuing to develop language awareness and communication skills. This intensive course will satisfy your students’ practice needs and allow them to achieve their full potential. If you want to teach your students at the level of the exam from the beginning of the year, use Expert. The material is fully revised and completely in line with the latest exam specifications. Expert provides intensive & extensive pra...
PRP: 164,20 Lei  147,78 LeiAdauga in cos
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How to teach english with technology. Book with CD-ROM pack
This collection of user-friendly development books will assist a broad range of teachers and trainers in expanding their classroom capabilities. Each text offers practical information within a clear theoretical framework. The series builds teachers' confidence, knowledge and classroom abilities -- and inspires them to try out new ideas. How to Teach English with Technology is a practical guide for teachers who wish to use new technology in the classroom. It looks at current applications but als...
PRP: 181,10 Lei  162,99 LeiAdauga in cos
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Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Student Book with Key Pack and CD-ROM
The popularGrammar Practiceseries has been thoroughly revised.With a focus on context and communication, the THIRD EDITION helps learners make the leap from practice to production more easily. Moving students from practice to production. This rounded approach to grammar and word-building consolidates student development through a variety of stimulating approaches. Clear concise design, from grammar boxes through the exercises, to the grammar index, promote confidence and motivation. Self-check ...
PRP: 100,40 Lei  90,36 LeiAdauga in cos
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Grammar Practice for Elementary Student Book with Key Pack - With CD-ROM
The popularGrammar Practiceseries has been thoroughly revised.With a focus on context and communication, the THIRD EDITION helps learners make the leap from practice to production more easily. Moving students from practice to production. This rounded approach to grammar and word-building consolidates student development through a variety of stimulating approaches. Clear concise design, from grammar boxes through the exercises, to the grammar index, promote confidence and motivation. Self-check ...
PRP: 100,40 Lei  90,36 LeiAdauga in cos
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Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students with key - Third Edition (with CD-ROM)
The popularGrammar Practiceseries has been thoroughly revised.With a focus on context and communication, the THIRD EDITION helps learners make the leap from practice to production more easily. Moving students from practice to production. This rounded approach to grammar and word-building consolidates student development through a variety of stimulating approaches. Clear concise design, from grammar boxes through the exercises, to the grammar index, promote confidence and motivation. Self-check ...
PRP: 100,40 Lei  90,36 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Now I Know 6 Speaking and Vocabulary Book
Children love asking questionsNow I Know! builds on children's natural curiosity, in an exciting learning environment centred around big questions. Each new challenge takes learners through a staged process of inquiry, supported by varied real-world content from BBC video.New language, new knowledge and new skills are learnt through exciting real-world tasks bringing measurable results at every stage.Find out more at pagini: 72Dimensiuni: 210 x 297 x 5mm | 220g An apariti...
PRP: 45,70 Lei  41,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Now I Know 6 Grammar Book
The Grammar Book provides students with extra practice covering all points of the Student Book.Nr. pagini: 64Dimensiuni: 210 x 299 x 3mm | 190gAn aparitie: 2019
PRP: 45,70 Lei  41,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Now I Know 5 Speaking and Vocabulary Book
Children love asking questionsNow I Know! builds on children's natural curiosity, in an exciting learning environment centred around big questions. Each new challenge takes learners through a staged process of inquiry, supported by varied real-world content from BBC video.New language, new knowledge and new skills are learnt through exciting real-world tasks bringing measurable results at every stage.Find out more at pagini: 72Dimensiuni: 211 x 296 x 4mm | 209gAn aparitie...
PRP: 45,70 Lei  41,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Now I Know 5 Grammar Book
The Grammar Book provides students with extra practice covering all points of the Student BookNr. pagini: 64Dimensiuni: 210 x 298 x 3mm | 191gAn aparitie: 2019
PRP: 45,70 Lei  41,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Now I Know 4 Speaking and Vocabulary Book
The Speaking and Vocabulary Book contains:Practice and extension of the Student Book vocabulary for each unitExtra speaking tasks focusing on the big questions of the unit, allowing students to explore the topics in more depth through pairworkExtra work on speaking strategies covered in the Student BookNr. pagini: 64Dimensiuni: 210 x 298 x 4mm | 192gAn aparitie: 2019
PRP: 45,70 Lei  41,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Now I Know 4 Grammar Book
The Grammar Book provides students with extra practice covering all points of the Student BookNr. pagini: 64Dimensiuni: 206 x 292 x 5mm | 80gAn aparitie: 2019
PRP: 45,70 Lei  41,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Now I Know 3 Speaking and Vocabulary Book
The Speaking and Vocabulary Book contains:Practice and extension of the Student Book vocabulary for each unitExtra speaking tasks focusing on the big questions of the unit, allowing students to explore the topics in more depth through pair workExtra work on speaking strategies covered in the Student BookNr. pagini: 64Dimensiuni: 210 x 300 x 20mm | 1,125gAn aparitie: 2019
PRP: 45,70 Lei  41,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Now I Know 3 Grammar Book
The Grammar Book provides students with extra practice covering all points of the Student BookNr. pagini: 64Dimensiuni: 206 x 296 x 8mm | 220g An aparitie: 2019
PRP: 45,70 Lei  41,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Now I Know 2 Grammar Book
The Grammar Book provides students with extra practice covering all points of the Student Book.Nr. pagini: 48Dimensiuni: 210 x 295 x 20mm | 923gAn aparitie: 2019
PRP: 45,70 Lei  41,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Now I Know 1 Speaking and Vocabulary Book
The Speaking and Vocabulary Book contains:Practice and extension of the Student Book vocabulary for each unitExtra speaking tasks focusing on the big questions of the unit, allowing students to explore the topics in more depth through pairworkExtra work on speaking strategies covered in the Student BookNr. pagini: 64Dimensiuni: 210 x 298 x 4mm | 191gAn aparitie: 2018
PRP: 45,70 Lei  41,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Grammar Practice for Upper-Intermediate. Student Book no Key Pack
The popularGrammar Practiceseries has been thoroughly revised.With a focus on context and communication, the THIRD EDITION helps learners make the leap from practice to production more easily. Moving students from practice to production. This rounded approach to grammar and word-building consolidates student development through a variety of stimulating approaches. Clear concise design, from grammar boxes through the exercises, to the grammar index, promote confidence and motivation. Self-check ...
PRP: 100,40 Lei  90,36 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Practice of English Language Teaching with DVD. Fifth edition
The highly acclaimedPractice of English Language Teachingis the essential guide for teachers of English in a wide range of contexts. The new Fifth Edition has been revised to reflect the latest developments in language teaching. It explains current pedagogy to teachers who want to access the most relevant English language teaching practices and incorporate them into their classes. The DVD includes discussions between the author and teachers about language teaching issues, and presents authent...
PRP: 181,10 Lei  162,99 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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English for Information Technology, level 1. Coursebook with CD-Rom
The Pearson Vocational English series meets the English language needs of learners in a range of specialisations. Designed for students in vocational education as well as company employees, these titles combine a strong grammar syllabus with the essential vocabulary that they need for their working lives. Each title contains a CD-ROM with interactive glossaries in both British and American English and the complete course book audio in MP3 format. English for Information Technology combines a s...
PRP: 113,50 Lei  102,15 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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How to teach Business English - Evan Frendo
This collection of user-friendly development books will assist a broad range of teachers and trainers in expanding their classroom capabilities. Each text offers practical information within a clear theoretical framework. The series builds teachers' confidence, knowledge and classroom abilities -- and inspires them to try out new ideas. How to Teach Business English provides a practical to the of business English. Il looks at the special features of business English and includes: - advice on c...
PRP: 181,10 Lei  162,99 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Expert Proficiency Students Resource Book (With March 2013 Exam Specifications)
Expertprovides rigorous exam training for high-achieving students while continuing to develop language awareness and communication skills. This intensive course will satisfy your students practice needs and allow them to achieve their full potential. If you want to teach your students at the level of the exam from the beginning of the year, use Expert. The material is fully revised and completely in line with the latest exam specifications. Expert provides intensive & extensive practice...
PRP: 114,80 Lei  103,32 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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