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Carti in categoria Grammar & Language

Geyte, Els Van
Tip afisare:
Writing : B2
Learn to write better academic essays*The Collins Academic Skills Series - winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.*Collins Academic Skills Series: Writing gives you the skills and strategies you need to write well-structured essays, reports and case studies and achieve academic success at university.Learn how to* interpret the question* structure your work* paraphrase, quote and reference your sources* avoid plagiarism* understand your readerCollins Academic Skills Series...
PRP: 103,00 Lei  87,55 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Get Ready for IELTS - Reading : IELTS 4  (A2 )
A lower-level exam practice book designed to improve the level of students who plan to take the IELTS test in the future.Collins Get Ready for IELTS Reading is the perfect book for lower level learners who want to develop the necessary skills to perform effectively on the IELTS Reading test.Perfect for self-study, the series follows a guided-learning approach that gives students access to a full answer key with model answers. Developed by experienced IELTS tutors, the series takes into account t...
PRP: 62,00 Lei  52,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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