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Carti in categoria Grammar & Language

Foley, Mark
Tip afisare:
MyGrammarLab Intermediate B1/B2, with Key and MyLab Pack
MyGrammarLab Book - natural examples illustrate the grammar points - sample explanations, using the Longman Defining Vocabulary of just 2000 words - a topic-based approach presents grammar in context - a focus on both written and spoken grammar - information on the pronunciation of grammar items - presentations of common errors and how to avoid making them - a variety of exercise types – from drills to contextualized and personalized practice MyGrammarLab Online - a full diagn...


PRP: 142,60 Lei  128,34 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
MyGrammarLab Advanced  C1/C2, with Key and MyLab Pack
MyGrammarLab Book - natural examples illustrate the grammar points - sample explanations, using the Longman Defining Vocabulary of just 2000 words - a topic-based approach presents grammar in context - a focus on both written and spoken grammar - information on the pronunciation of grammar items - presentations of common errors and how to avoid making them - a variety of exercise types – from drills to contextualized and personalized practice MyGrammarLab Online - a full diagn...


PRP: 142,60 Lei  128,34 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare